Thursday, July 29, 2004

Sushi at the nicole

MY building offered sushi and drinks after work today... So after a long day at work I went over and hung out with the neighbors. Very cool spot. The bldg people are real cool -

Work was long today. Very productive yet very draining. I realize i have alot going on. I must have 7 active projects plus another entire effort that would probably described as an entire job initself. My boss gave me the chance to blow off a little steam today - I think the time is well served.. Gives me a chance to regroup - and re focus on what I should be getting done. Which really is a good measure of how good a boss I have. I have grown more in the last two months as a leader than I have in the last two years!

My soon to be wife continued her roller coster eq ride today.. Though it seams its really has begun to settle down. Not much tolerance on my side - but probably the best since it was alot of BS.

Today I spoke to a "rubicon" owner..Who really wants to sell!...
Will see if i can convince the Wife....soon to be...
Oh well mia tomorrow...lots of packing to do!

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

tuesday night blues....

Just wrote a nice email to a long friend..hopefully he'll be able to use this wonderful service to.

Go Andy GO!

ON another note - Celeste just came back from her first day of exams..she says " She new most things" but made up a rule or two ..(LOL).. She is now sitting in the tub!! I hope it works for her...lots of love riding there.

Im supposed to be working at the moment - so thats why im probably writing this! I have to do a communication plan..and re-do my PMP docs!!!
and the vacation "LUNA DE MIEL" isn't even done!

Hopefully ill be able to post from eastern europe...Lets see what happens!
So im off to my work!

Another day at the corporate mill

Just a quick note that Ive been severely buried today! so much work!
I need to be clear that I have a certain agenda!! Today I had a meeting that I didn't put to many controls around and therefore I had the person on the other line redirect the focus of it. Probably for the better but still upsetting in a sort of way. Though perfection is unreasonable - I feel terrrible when im not percieved that way.

Same thing earlier today. My co-worker made a comment around goals and I hadn't thought of it - and I didn't like that! I need to have them clear in my mind!

Monday, July 26, 2004

My Email Blog for the day..

Slow start this morning but nonetheless the usual!

Celeste is getting sun this morning while in angst for her first day of Bar Exam. Not an easy thing for her but I think she'll do ok. So many wedding things to do!! I don't think this helps but hey - what can we do at this point but just accept it!

Lots of work to do so im going to go back to it..but see you later...


Sunday, July 25, 2004

Sunday Blues

Well...Just spent the day running around the west side. Carla Spinelli and her friend named sandy took me to a place named "Freds". Apparently it was the owners dogs name. Good muffins and good lunch but as usual a ny overpriced restaraunt. Im going to have to get used to this if im going to enjoy ny.

We went to another small flee market. All these places in the city are the same. It feels like someone took the contents of 5 over stocked garage sales and dumped them in the city. We then went on walking and hung out in the time warner bldg mall - Pretty nice. The book store there was real cool and they sold dean and deluca coffee - which interestingly enough was something i walked 10 blocks for recently!...and its really only two from my house!

Since this blog will really never go anywhere and im spending my time writing - im going to log off!
Have a great evening folks! blues ..

Friday, July 23, 2004

First Blog day

All is well From NYC.... Having an OK day - Productivity for the day is low but high for the week. Learned alot about training this week and SS. Im looking forward to sleeping this weekend and also wandering the NYC streets.

SoHo is in my horizon, though a night out in little italy sounds good to!

The next few weeks should be interesting considering im getting married! Lots of stuff.
The band has not been signed and who the heck is taking me to the reception?

Oh well - I should go back to work. This might be a good way to interact with my shrink!!!
Lets see what happens to this thing!
Cheers... on a gloomy summer NYC day....